Benjamin Aw

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe

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30 + Low

Ultimate tic-tac-toe is variation and more strategic version of Tic Tac Toe which allows for a more dynamic and strategic gameplay for participants. This is designed for 2 main players (which can be individuals or groups).



To be the first group to complete the large Tic Tac Toe with 3 in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 




    Setting up

    1. Draw the large Tic Tac Toe on the whiteboard/flipchart with each large square containing its own smaller tic tac toe

    Conducting the Game:

    1. Players will flip a coin (or another suitable method) to decide who goes first. The first player also determines if they want a circle or a cross. 
    2. The first player can place their designated shape at any of the 81 squares provided.
    3. Whichever square that the first player places in a small tic tac toe, determines which square of the large tic tac toe the next player gets to place their shape at. They are confined to that small tic tac toe ONLY.
    4. Should that particular small tic tac toe be occupied already, the player taht was sent there can choose to place their shape at any available spot in the larger space. 
    5. The square is conquered by the player that achieves the 3 in a row for that particular small tic tac toe.
    6. Should a draw be achieved in that small tic tac toe, that square is considered wasted and remains at a draw. 



    Things to look out for:

    • How were they making decisions in the game?
    • Who was the person stepping up to lead the team?
    • What was the strategy involved when playing?
    • Were there any assigned roles or was it haphazardly played among members?

    Additional Optional Challenges:

    • To hasten the game, you can institute a 5sec time limit for each players turn. This is reccomended to be implemented after the first 3 rounds so as to give players time to get used to the motion of the game. 
    • Create a running space between the board and where the players are gathered. The divide should create movement but not too far that they cannot see the board from the staging point. 
    • Teams cannot produce any verbal communication when playing, but can discuss back in base. 
    • Every player is given a turn number and must play in sequence of their numbers

    Debriefing Questions:

    • How did your team play the game? What worked and didn't work? Why?
    • What was teh strategy involved? How did you communciate between members and ensure?
    • How can we improve our performance should we play the game again?
    • How can we translate this into real life?

    Images from: 


    Other Variations:

    • 3D Triple Decker Tic-Tac-Toe
      • The game is basically the same as regular tic-tac-toe: you try to win by getting three X’s or O’s in a row. The trick is, instead of one grid of nine squares, you have three grids of nine squares, all stacked on top of each other. A diagonal, horizontal, or vertical set of three lets you win, but since the game is 3-D, there are many more winning possibilities.


    • Human Tic-Tac-Toe
      • Same game as regular tic tac toe but just using humans as pieces or asking them to run to put peices. Typically each team is limited to 3 peices to place in the playing area and can move peices around to create the winning combination. 


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