Concretely, what action plan?
Participants to decide on concrete way forward in a changing/new context, to stay ahead of the game.
Participants to decide on concrete way forward in a changing/new context, to stay ahead of the game.
Start by splitting participants into subgroups.
Ask them to choose an idol - dead or alive, from sports industry or any other industry. It has to be someone they admire, someone they look up to, someone who's done something incredibly bold and been competing fiercely.
In silence and individually, think about "WHAT WOULD (IDOL NAME) DO IN OUR SITUATION TODAY TO STAY AHEAD OF THE GAME? " Ask them to be as concrete as possible. Encourage them to come up with a maximum of ideas (there's no such thing as a good or bad idea) "write down what you REALLY desire".
Write it, say it, stick it (spontaneously in each group).
In silence and individually vote for 1 idea: the most impactful and feasible
Collectively in their subgroup, ask participants to write on post-its "the Enablers and Blockers” of the voted idea.
Collectively write down the action plan "What; How; Who; When"
Plenary sharing of each action plan.
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