IWMI South AfricaPersonal

Connect your team through music

by for .  
30 - 455 - 20 Medium

A fun, informal networking activity for a small team who know each other. Ideal for remote teams who get together irregularly. If you are looking for something DIFFERENT and not the same old this is a great choice.

It can be modified to your interests. Requires some prep time.



Group gets to know each other better and differently. Gets people moving off their chairs and in the space and therefore a great ice breaker.




    The activity is sub-divided into three phases: 1) Prep, 2) Guess Who, 3) Resolution

    1) PREP (1 week before event)

    • Ask each team member to give you songs matching specific questions (between 2-5). These could be: Which song would you take with you if you were stranded alone on an island? What is your theme song for 2024? Which song best describes your job?
    • Create an anonymous playlist for EACH team member. Make sure you keep the order of songs as per the questions you asked. Make sure you don't name the playlist, e.g. Mark's Songs but keep it anonymous (easiest is to use numbers).
    • Generate a QR Code for each playlist so it is easy to get to the playlist during the event.
    • Print the playlists and stickers for each team member.
    • Make sure you request team members to bring phones so they can scan the QR Codes.

    2) Guess Who

    • Post the playlists along a wall. If you have a group over 5 people, I would break them into smaller groups and distribute them so the music isn't too disturbing. If you have a large group and they play all the songs, it will just take a very long time. 

    Optional: Create a team playlist with all the songs which you can jam to.

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